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Introduction to Central Support Center for Childcare

Specific Projects

Projects of supporting daycare centers

We support daycare centers and childcare staff in various ways.
We support daycare center’s childcare consulting projects and make a good daycare center together.
Establishment Operation Consulting
We build up the support system for a daycare center’s childcare consulting, conduct manual production and education, and make a general management of consulting projects.
Assessment Consulting
We produce and diffuse manuals for the consulting of daycare centers which prepare for assessment, educate them, and foster consulting instructors.
Child Curriculum Consulting
We make a suitable application of National Childcare Curriculum and support the enhancement of childcare teachers’ teaching competence, by building up childcare curriculum consulting system, extending manuals, and conducting instructor education.
Financial Accounting Consulting
We produce & extend manuals and conduct education for daycare center’s financial accounting consulting on the basis of daycare center’s financial accounting rules.
We conduct nationwide education project for strengthening the competence of daycare center’s childcare staff.
Education of National Childcare Curriculum
We build up online and offline education system and provide diverse information in order for childcare staff to understand National Childcare Curriculum and to apply it to childcare.
Security & Child Abuse Prevention Education
We provide offline and online education for childcare staff in order to beware of young children’s security and to prevent child abuse, and we produce and extend contents in order to improve the recognition of respecting young children’s rights.
Training 3 Year-old to 5 Year-old Nuri Curriculum by Age Type
We provide systematic training programs with general standards and contents throughout the whole country for childcare teachers in charge of 3 olds to 5 olds in the daycare center to operate Nuri Curriculum in a proper way.
Other project of supporting daycare centers
Publication of Childcare Information Journals and Operation of Childcare Contents
We select and develop high-quality childcare contents and support a variety of childcare information online or offline which childcare staff can understand and emphasize easily.
Childcare Staff Counselling Project
In order to support childcare staff counselling project with professional counselling practitioners in City․Do & City․Gun․Gu Support Centers for Childcare, we support childcare staff counselling task, by producing and educating counselling manuals and by holding meetings and conducting a monitoring of a counselling scene.
Operation and Management of Distance Learning System and Childcare Curriculum Homepage
We provide childcare staff with online contents via the distance education system and consistently provide research results and data about Korean childcare curriculum via childcare curriculum homepage.

Project of Supporting Home Childcare

We provide a variety of professional supports for parents with young children.
Clover Parent Education
We enhance parents’ positive roles in homes with young children throughout the whole country by providing distinct parent education of Support Center for Childcare
Parent Education for Respecting Children’s Rights
We encourage parents to understand the value of their children’s rights and to comprehend children’s development, and we promote them to strengthen their competence as parents and to prevent child abuse in homes.
Development of Child-Rearing Contents
We help parents themselves to provide a suitable play environment by developing indicators to check children’s play environment within a home, and we provide parents with a chance to receive an actual check for the play environment via a professional practitioner’s home visit.
Counselling of Child-Rearing
We support a professional counselling service on the basis of selected counselling contents by appointing experts in the fields of child development and child behavior problems.
Aisarang Planner
We support the operation of a consumer-customized counselling service in consideration of child-rearing environment and we support the solution of child-rearing problems and child-rearing stress.
Support for Daycare Center Operating Committee
We support the education for a daycare center operating committee in order for parents to understand the formation and roles of a daycare center operating committee, to understand the operation of a daycare center, and to take an active participation in decision making.
Support for the Operation of Parent Monitoring Members
We produce manuals and conduct education for an efficient operation of a parent monitoring member project, and we promote the improvement of childcare service quality.

Project of Support for the Operation of the Center

We support the proper operation of Support Center for Childcare.
Education of Strengthening Staff’s Competence
New•Experienced Staff Compulsory Education
We support favorable task adjustment and stabilization of center operation, through basic on-the-job training education for new staff when the employment of new staff is required due to the opening of new Support Center for Childcare, increase of the number of new staff, and replacement of existing staff.
Workshop for the Heads of Support Centers for Childcare
We support the effective job performance by providing the space for information exchange and exchange sharing among the heads of Support Centers for Childcare in the whole nation and by carrying out the education for strengthening their competence as the head of the Center.
Field Trip to Support Center for Childcare
We share the job contents and exemplary operation environment of each Center via a field trip to Support Center for Childcare.
Overseas Childcare Policy Training
We promote the understanding of childcare policy and support for effective business operation, by providing training programs about diverse childcare support systems, policy enforcement and center operation of other overseas developed countries.
Support for the Operation of Support Center for Childcare
Support for the Operations of Newly Opened Center
We support secure settlement and business invigoration of the operation of newly opened Support Centers for Childcare.
Meeting of the Heads of Support Centers for Childcare
We strengthen the cooperative system in accordance with the administrative system of Center-City․Do-City․Gun․Gu by discussing promotion projects of nationwide Support Centers for Childcare and sharing assessments.
Business Report Competition of Support Center for Childcare
We promote the cooperative service, by appreciating staff’s contribution to the development of Support Center for Childcare, and by sharing and evaluating joint projects of nationwide Supporting Centers for Childcare and an excellent regional project of each Support Center.
Service of Supporting Substitute Teachers
We make a general management of local Center’s service which assigns substitute teachers during the period of blank aroused by teachers’ use of long leave or participation in a training program, and we produce manuals and carry out education.
Assessment for Support Center for Childcare and Consulting
The assessment for Support Center for Childcare, as a consulting concept to support the Center, is conducted in order to find the direction of joint projects as a public organization equipped with proper standards trusted by assessment, and further in order to be equipped with the system to support the nation’s childcare service in an appropriate way. We aim to diagnose the problems of the Center via direct visit depending on the result of the assessment, to conduct the practical support, and to help the Center to stabilize the operation and to build up an effective business management.
Operation and Management of Central·City․Do Integrated Homepage and Record Management System
We provide the users with a variety of information about childcare such as childcare policy, and we operate the record management system to register actual results of home child-rearing projects and daycare center support projects conducted in nationwide Support Center for Childcare.