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Major Projects


Support for childcare in daycare centers

Support for childcare in daycare centers
Joint Projects Center’s Own Project
  • Educating National childcare curriculum, and providing & giving rental service of textbooks and teaching materials.
  • Consulting on establishing·managing·using daycare centers
  • Childcare consulting of daycare centers(establishment & management, evaluation assessment, childcare curriculum, financial accounting standards)
  • Supporting and managing substitute teachers
  • Counselling and training childcare staff (entrustment of continuing education operation)
  • Conducting child abuse prevention education and counselling childcare staff
  • Providing health․nutrition․security education for childcare staff
  • Providing information about vulnerable parts in childcare such as childcare for disabled children, and supporting them
  • Providing information about job-opening․ job hunting for childcare staff
  • Providing education for parents who use daycare centers
  • Discovering exemplary open-daycare centers and extending them
  • Providing hands-on and playing space for young children who are attending daycare centers
  • Supporting group purchase of school meal sources of daycare centers
  • Supporting anything else necessary for managing and using daycare centers

Support for Home Childcare

Support for childcare in daycare centers
Joint Projects Center’s Own Project
  • Counselling for parents
  • Education for parents
  • Providing and giving rental service of child rearing-related programs · books · toys
  • Child abuse prevention education and counselling for parents with young children
  • Health․nutrition․security education for parents with young children
  • Providing hands-on and playing space for home-cared young children
  • Providing a temporary childcare service
  • Providing the developmental test of young children
  • Providing a space for sharing information about childcare including small groups of parents
  • Providing anything else necessary for supporting home childcare

Other Information Service

Support for childcare in daycare centers
Joint Projects Center’s Own Project
  • Collecting and providing information about childcare
  • Providing childcare programs and childcare contents
  • Offering childcare-related promotion such as publication of childcare information journals and source books
  • Counselling about childcare integrated information system
  • Projects linked between Support Centers for Childcare
  • Projects linked with the relevant organizations
  • Special projects of local governments
  • ※ The content of the project can be changed depending on the conditions of local governments and Support Centers for Childcare
  • ※ Support Center for Childcare can pay actual expense caused by the service offer, if necessary.
  • ※ Some of operating expense for Nuri Curriculum of daycare centers can be applied to the expense supporting small group meetings necessary for childcare curriculum consulting conducted in Support Center for Childcare.